Thursday, June 17, 2010

[open source] Two Server and Network management system/tools

1.       Fully Automated Nagios


FAN is based on CentOS (which is not going away despite rumors in the open source community). CentOS has an advantage over many other open source OS' in that it is designed to be a full enterprise class OS that can take advantage of multiple CPU's, clustering etc. On that solid base we have added the follow must have apps for Nagios:

- Nagios plug -ins: A ton of plug-ins to monitor different equipment on your network.
- Centreon: Web interface for Nagios. Centreon has long been the best Web U/I front end for Nagios.
- NagVis: Advanced mapping. I mean advanced too. The mapping views and capabilities of NagVis are much better then many commercial NMS' out there. (except Cisco Works which is the BEST...)
- NDOUtils: stores the Nagios data into a MySQL database.
- NRPE: This is designed to allow you to execute Nagios plugins on remote Linux/Unix machines to monitor resources like CPU load, memory usage, etc on remote servers. Double check to make sure that any server based firewall is mapped for the listener. Normally this is port 5666 but you can change/check this in /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg
- NaReTo: Nagios Reporting Tools. This is a basic reporting tool. It is OK. Not the best and not the worst.

Installing FAN is simple, painless and quick. It needs about a gig of space. You just need to config a machine name, DNS and a IP address. Make sure you use a hard set IP address and not DHCP since that can make the database inconsistent. CentOS normally does not install and start the GUI front end like other LiveCD so just in case, you can do this with the command set:

yum --exclude=nautilus-sendto groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" "X Window System"


2.       CactiEZ


CactiEZ is a self installing Linux Distribution based off CentOS that sets up and configures a customized Cacti install. Everything is designed to be completely automated and working directly out of the box. This compact distro is loaded with extra features such as Syslog and Netflow data collection, Weathermaps, Reports, Auto Discovery, Router Config backup, Nagios, and much more! Both 32 Bit and 64 Bit installations are possible from the same CD.

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