Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Cisco ASDM OpenJDK edition, ASDM-IDM Launcher and Azul Zulu JRE 8

Since Cisco ASDM 7.18(1) support Java 1.8 (Version 8) only. You need to install Azul Zulu JRE 8 on your machine.

Using JRE version 1.8.0_412 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
User home directory = 
c:   clear console window
f:   finalize objects on finalization queue
g:   garbage collect
h:   display this help message
m:   print memory usage
q:   hide console
s:   dump system properties
Application Logging Started at 
Local Launcher Version = 1.9.7
Local Launcher Version Display = 1.9(7)

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